ALERTS: 2025 Mask Notice | Vaccines now available
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Study Roster & CITI Training Memo
Please note that as of June 1, 2022, Click is no longer available. Until further notice, please submit hardcopy fCOI disclosure forms that may be found on the website Conflict of Interest (COI) | CHA.
We are excited to announce that the new electronic IRB submission and tracking system, Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics is now available for use by the entire CHA Research Community.
We will also arrange for regular virtual office hours where you may stop by to ask any questions you may have.
These guides help researchers understand human research responsibilities and give insight on the application process:
Section I below lists the most common documents related to new study submissions. If you currently have an active protocol refer to section II. All other forms and templates are in the last section.
Forms to be used to request approval for a change to a previously approved study.