Harvard Wide Events

Several times a year, residents from the four adult and three child Harvard Medical School training programs meet for special educational events.

Each year in November, at All Harvard Day, one of the four adult or three Harvard child psychiatry residency programs has primary responsibility for organizing a full day of didactics on some area of importance to the field of psychiatry. In the past, topics have included: sexuality, ethics, spirituality, evidence based practices, current research, psychotherapies.

Another "All-Harvard Day" is Medical Education Day, where residents and faculty present posters pertaining to innovations, or research in training and education in medicine.

In March, the Mysell Research Day brings the departments and training programs together for a lecture of significance and the presentation of awards to residents and fellows for poster presentations of research done by trainees from the four Harvard psychiatry training programs.

These events provide an opportunity for CHA residents to present their work and continue building professional relationships with peers and faculty from the Harvard Departments of Psychiatry.

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