Mass. State Senate Leaders Visit CHA PACE

Tour of intergenerational care facilities highlights CHA PACE's care and support for older adults who want to continue living at home
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - On Tuesday, Oct. 5, Mass. State Senate President Karen Spilka and State Senators Adam Hinds, Sal DiDomenico and Patricia Jehlen visited CHA PACE as part of a tour of intergenerational care facilities in Massachusetts. The visit coincided with the release of the Senate Reimagining the Future of Massachusetts Report, which among its initiatives calls for new investments and integrated resources to support families and caregivers across generations, including early education and child care, elder care and care for people with disabilities.
The senators and staff members toured the center and spoke with several participants about their life-changing experiences at CHA PACE, which helps members who are nursing home-eligible maintain living in the community.
After the tours, CHA PACE staff and CHA administrative and clinical leaders met with the senators and a representative from MassPACE to discuss how PACE promotes all-inclusive care for the health, behavioral health and well-being of frail elders, adults with disabilities and their families. CHA was honored to showcase how expanding PACE awareness and enrollment aligns with supporting intergenerational care and multi-generational households, where families and often women are caring for their parents and their children.